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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How it Works - The Law of Attraction

Ever since the movie, "The Secret", was released, the Law of Attraction has become a household word. Unfortunately, while I believe the movie was made with the good intentions of educating the masses of people unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, it did not go deeply enough into the actual mechanics of how it works and the best way to use it.

The Law of Attraction works in conjunction with at least 11 other supporting laws. Together, they form the basis of how we create the lives we then experience. Once we understand that these laws are always operating in our lives, we can use this information to manifest more of what we want, and less of what we do not want.

Stated as simply as possible, we live in a sea of conscious, responsive energy and according to our own conscious thoughts, we attract into our lives certain people, events, and experiences as opposed to others.

All of creation begins with the mental act of thought (mental imagery) and becomes, in a manner of speaking, a holographic universe. Within this holographic universe, every thought is actualized and every act is taken.

The possibilities for fulfillment are infinite; the requirement is the mental act of thinking, or creating images, in our minds as to what we want to experience.

Our minds are like a toolbox, and the thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to create our lives. Within this hologram of infinite possibilities, we have the full freedom to make our realities as we want them to be, or to hand the reins of our lives over to the 'race' or 'common' which case we will experience what everyone else believes is the norm.

Our thoughts possess an electromagnetic reality, and we think at least 60,000 thoughts over every 24-hour period.

The electromagnetic properties of our thoughts pull into our experience the people, places, and circumstances that can best align themselves magnetically with them.

The minute we decide to stop going along with what everyone else says are 'the facts', and we choose to start thinking, not on what seems to be, but on how we want things to be, our new thoughts begin pulling our new preferred situations into our lives.

The Law of Belief comes into play here, - because when we were young and not yet capable of critical thinking, we accepted many limiting beliefs, and these beliefs form the mold through which our thoughts flow.

We do have the power, however, to change those beliefs simply by recognizing them and discarding the ones that do not serve our purpose.

Remember, a belief is just an unquestioned way of thinking about the world around you and the life you are experiencing.

Think about what you want, enjoy the feeling you would have if it were already present in your experience, and the universal energy will respond to your new thoughts as your old beliefs quite easily fall away.

If you are interested in more in-depth information on the Law of Attraction, please visit

Bea Magnan has been fascinated with anything and everything to do with Metaphysics, the mind, and the power of thought ever since someone gave her a copy of Claude M. Bristol's, "The Magic of Believing."

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Appreciate the Little Things in Life

For many of us, life can get so busy that most days just pass us by so quickly. Looking back at my week, the past seven days seem like a blur. That should give you a hint about how I feel about the past month. I think that I feel this way because I am so busy so often and I that tend to keep my attention on the wrong things for the wrong reasons. For example, I was driving home today and could not help but think about the poor road conditions. I was focusing on the construction process that has been overtaking a local street for a few weeks, but has felt like months. Driving through slow traffic, I thought about the valve boxes and sewer grates that I drove over because they made my drive so bumpy.

The actual condition of the road is beside the point. I have so many other things in my life that could have occupied my mind. Rather than dwell on the negative details, I could choose to think about the positive things in life which will only help me to better enjoy my days. If we all try our best to think about the good things that are happening in our lives, we will be able to better deal with the somewhat unpleasant things in our lives whether it is a hectic day at work or driving home through road construction every day. Try to make a conscious effort to appreciate the little things in your life and, trust me, that will make your day seem so much better.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Feng Shui Water Fountain - Improve Your Home With the Sound of Water

The feng shui water fountain is a great tool that is known to attract good luck and prosperity. It can be placed in select locations both inside and outside of the home. Use a bagua map to locate specific areas related to wealth and select an appropriate fountain. Water fountains combine sound and movement as a cure to both retain and activate the 'qi' or energy of the space. If situated in the right spot, the constant stream of cascading water can harnesses the 'qi' in the area that needs it the most.

Water fountains come in a number of different materials, including metal, bamboo and ceramic. Each one of these materials represent an element that is the foundation of feng shui, namely metal, wood and earth. To determine which material to use, you have to look at how the five elements interact with each other and find out which element works best with water. If you take a look at the destructive cycle of the five elements, you will learn that earth destroys or dissolves water. This means that the element earth should not be combined with water, therefore you need to avoid using a ceramic water fountain in your home. If you take a look at the productive cycle of the five elements, you will learn that metal produces or carries water. This means that the element metal should be combined with water, the combination of the two actually makes the water more powerful as a feng shui remedy.

Water fountains also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It should be obvious that smaller sized fountains are better suited for inside the home while larger ones are appropriate for the outside. There are tabletop options as well as wall mounted for the indoors. An outdoor fountain however, should be big enough to act as the centerpiece of a garden. Based on basic principles of the art of placement, round shapes are preferred although fountains are available in number of different shapes. You don't necessarily have to go with round, simply choose one that is fitting in your home.

The key to effectively using the sound and movement cures of water is to place the feng shui water fountain in an appropriate area of the home. This can be accomplished by locating them on a bagua map. Since the fountain represents the element water, it should be placed in areas of a room or an entire home that is associated with either water or wood. The fountain can only fully serve its purpose of enhancing the flow of 'qi' in places that can benefit from its presence. One place to be aware of is the bedroom. This room is tricky, because it is where you sleep. The constant flow of water can prove to be too distracting and cause restlessness in this particular room. That is not to say that it completely does not belong in the bedroom. In fact, there are certain situations that make it appropriate for that part of the house. Since water is a powerful remedy, it should be dealt with carefully. Seek the services of a professional if you are looking to use it correctly to help improve your life.

The feng shui water fountain is a powerful tool using sound and movement feng shui remedies. Use a map bagua or feng shui compass to find the proper location for placement.

Get a FREE Personalized Color Report, "How to Use Colors in Feng Shui" at

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

7 Ways to Find Happiness

If you were to ask the average person what they want most, nine times out of ten the answer would be more money. It seems that our culture has been brainwashed into believing that having more - a new car, a new house, new TV - more 'stuff' brings happiness. There's nothing wrong with wanting to move ahead and have nice things but when our happiness depends on having it we will be let down. We all want happiness but sometimes we look in the wrong places. Looking to find happiness in the acquisition of possessions or hoping that another person will bring that to us is a pursuit in disappointment.

Authentic happiness comes from the inside. If you are already happy more money will make your life much more enjoyable but if you don't have happiness already more 'stuff' brings only temporary happiness. Look to find happiness first. How can you do that? Here are the first steps:

1. Decide: that this your time, your life and you are going to be happy. Never underestimate the power that comes from making a commitment.

2. Stay in the moment: most of our unhappiness comes from living in the future or living in the past. Your power is in the moment. When we worry about things that have not happened we are bringing in unhappiness or disappointment from the future. There is no guarantee that it will happen so living in the future is simply taking on disheartening moments that will bring you down. Living in the past, going over past failures and regrets only serves to make us feel bad. Just learn from it and put it behind you.

3. Get Rid of Negative Thinking: Become aware of your thoughts, keep a journal and write down all the negative thoughts you have. When you become aware of your negative thoughts you will more easily recognize them and get rid of them.

4. Do Fun Things: Instead of wallowing in your misfortunes find something fun to do.

5. Appreciate: Look around you focus on all the good things you have in your life. Everyone has something that they can be thankful for - their children, their home, fresh air, singing birds, sunshine, quiet music, etc.

6. Be Around Happy People: As they say, 'misery attracts company'. Be aware of this and choose to be around people who are cheerful. They will definitely improve your mood.

7. Don't take Life Too Seriously: Learn to laugh at yourself. Everyone makes mistakes - it's human. Life has a way of throwing us things we weren't expecting. When this happens, find a way around it and give yourself time to get over it and move on. Ask yourself, "Will I be thinking about this next year this time"?

P.S. Choose to be Happy

Copyright 2007 Sheila Dicks

Sheila Dicks is a transition and style coach who helps individuals move through smooth and purposeful change. You can find her at

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Addiction and Alcoholics

Is addiction new? No. It is thought that one of our ancestors may have discovered the effects of fermented fruit or grain by accident, or inadvertently inhaled smoke from herb leaves tossed on a fire. As a result, getting high or intoxicated-getting out of oneself in an artificial way-has been a goal or at least part of every culture. "Drunkenness" has been seen as a problem in various societies for a long time, and when it gets out of hand, it has been punished. Until fairly recently, however, most psychoactive drugs were legal. Nineteenth-century America has been called a "dope paradise," and it was only in the early 20th century that drugs began to be seen as sources of "abuse" that needed to be regulated by laws. Even alcohol was outlawed in the United States in the early 20th century. But laws have not stopped people from using alcohol or drugs.

When these substances were declared illegal, the whole process went underground and got otherwise complicated, with, for example, more people pointing fingers at the evils of drink and fewer potential professional hands available to help. In the second half of the 20th century, the drug scene got even more dramatic. In the 1960s, due partly to the "hippie" culture and partly to addictions fostered overseas during the Vietnam War, the use of drugs became more socially acceptable or at least widespread. During the same period, the pharmaceutical industry developed increasingly sophisticated prescription drugs, which started to be abused. Those scared away from criminally connected illegal drugs devised creative ways to use prescription drugs and other substances to alter their consciousness.

Statistics show that teens' use of such substances has grown as use of other substances has declined, but pharmaceuticals are potentially just as dangerous as other drugs. Though potions for "curing" drunkenness were on the market hundreds of years ago, the primary approach to dealing with alcoholism and addiction has historically been to make it illegal or shameful or both. Even with the advent of serious research in the 1930s, people addicted to drugs were thought to have a moral failing rather than a health problem, so approaches stressed punishment rather than prevention or therapy. The idea that alcoholism might be a disease spread in this country only around 1940, in part because of the popularization of Alcoholics Anonymous, and later by the acceptance of the disease concept by the American Medical Association. Today, thanks to scientific breakthroughs in brain studies, the approach to addiction has changed dramatically, showing that it is a disease that affects both the brain and behavior.

The path of nicotine illustrates the process by which substances move from popular fad to social outcast. Cigarettes were once used just by a small segment of society, but then they were marketed as a sign of sophistication and reached a wider slice of the population. As time passed, the facts about nicotine came to light, and people of all ages found ways to stop lighting up. The same can be true of any substance of abuse.

With new knowledge of how addiction works, you and your generation have the power to change the future, to take actions that will stop the history of addiction and alcoholism from repeating itself. Because the good news about substance use disorders is that they can be successfully treated, and the more that is known about the addictive properties of each substance, the more effectively they can be treated. The process of addiction is quite similar for most kinds of addictive drugs, but each type has its own characteristics. Though substances of abuse act on the dopamine pathway in the brain, alcohol and drugs can each affect different neurological circuits. Abuse of alcohol, for instance, may create changes in the brain that result in increased feelings of stress that may trigger further compulsive drinking.

I am a business administrator in a leading company of internet marketing.I have done M.B.A from Preston University and like writing articles at my leisure time.
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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Head Versus Heart

How do you make the important decisions in your life? Do you use your head? Are you a logical thinker? Or do you use your heart? Do you rely on your intuition and decide what to do by listening to that little voice in your gut?

Most of you have a propensity to one type of decision making over the other. That is, you either make important decisions on the basis of your intuition or on the basis of your head. But is there a more balanced way to make decisions?

If you merely rely on your head, your decisions will:

1. Lack the emotional components that are necessary to solve problems.
2. Lack integrity since it depends on your personality and character which is imbued in emotions and feelings.
3. Be too principled and cold, giving them an inhumane feel.
4. Cause a lot of discontent because your emotions and feelings will be lacking in such a

If, on the other hand, you merely rely on your heart to make decisions, your decisions will:

1. Be irrational and have no rational or objective components.
2. Rely on feelings and emotions only.
3. Lack level headedness.
4. Be too short-lived and temporary.

If you make decisions using both your head and heart, your decisions will:

1. Involve both rational deliberative components, and feelings and emotions.
2. Be objective and include some emotional elements.
3. Include both your personal and impersonal elements, making for a more balanced decision.
4. Be effective and efficient in solving your problem in a balanced manner.

So, the next time you need to make an important decision in your life, make sure that it involves both your head and heart. That way you will be making a balanced and rational decision that has emotional components. In this way, cognitive errors can be eliminated and you can feel more secure in your solution to your problem.

Irene S. Roth is a freelance writer for teens and tweens. She writes nonfiction articles in the areas of self-assertiveness and self-confidence. If you are interested in some of these issues, she also has a blog for girls at:

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be Happy Inside and Live Life to the Fullest

Never take advice on happiness from a person who is not happy. Why should you take advice from the wicked stepmother when you can ask from Cinderella who is supposedly the happy one? Aside from that, it is also best to seek the company of positive people. Like attracts like so if you are surrounded by positive people, more or less their happiness will rub of on you and more positive events will happen in your life.

So many people have asked how to be happy inside. The answer can only be found within them. If you are one of them and you do not have any clue as to how you should make yourself happy. It is time to be introspective. Take a look inside your heart. Feel your pain. Feel your happiness. Search for certain childhood memories that have made you happy. Concentrate on those. Search for things that you lack and try to give them to you one at a time. You will find yourself loving yourself even more. Avoid stress if you can. Manage your time wisely. Time mismanagement can be one of the leading causes of pain in your life. Talk to somebody, a therapist perhaps, if you have issues that you need to deal with that are causing you to be unhappy. You need to deal with it first before you can release it.

Do not get me wrong because sometimes even if we are experiencing pain, we are still happy and sometimes when we are laughing our hearts out we are in pain. This is the truth because the truth of the matter is we cannot be unhappy most of the time.

Cheryl Forbes owns and operates the website