Ever since the movie, "The Secret", was released, the Law of Attraction has become a household word. Unfortunately, while I believe the movie was made with the good intentions of educating the masses of people unfamiliar with the Law of Attraction, it did not go deeply enough into the actual mechanics of how it works and the best way to use it.
The Law of Attraction works in conjunction with at least 11 other supporting laws. Together, they form the basis of how we create the lives we then experience. Once we understand that these laws are always operating in our lives, we can use this information to manifest more of what we want, and less of what we do not want.
Stated as simply as possible, we live in a sea of conscious, responsive energy and according to our own conscious thoughts, we attract into our lives certain people, events, and experiences as opposed to others.
All of creation begins with the mental act of thought (mental imagery) and becomes, in a manner of speaking, a holographic universe. Within this holographic universe, every thought is actualized and every act is taken.
The possibilities for fulfillment are infinite; the requirement is the mental act of thinking, or creating images, in our minds as to what we want to experience.
Our minds are like a toolbox, and the thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to create our lives. Within this hologram of infinite possibilities, we have the full freedom to make our realities as we want them to be, or to hand the reins of our lives over to the 'race' or 'common' mind...in which case we will experience what everyone else believes is the norm.
Our thoughts possess an electromagnetic reality, and we think at least 60,000 thoughts over every 24-hour period.
The electromagnetic properties of our thoughts pull into our experience the people, places, and circumstances that can best align themselves magnetically with them.
The minute we decide to stop going along with what everyone else says are 'the facts', and we choose to start thinking, not on what seems to be, but on how we want things to be, our new thoughts begin pulling our new preferred situations into our lives.
The Law of Belief comes into play here, - because when we were young and not yet capable of critical thinking, we accepted many limiting beliefs, and these beliefs form the mold through which our thoughts flow.
We do have the power, however, to change those beliefs simply by recognizing them and discarding the ones that do not serve our purpose.
Remember, a belief is just an unquestioned way of thinking about the world around you and the life you are experiencing.
Think about what you want, enjoy the feeling you would have if it were already present in your experience, and the universal energy will respond to your new thoughts as your old beliefs quite easily fall away.
If you are interested in more in-depth information on the Law of Attraction, please visit http://magneticcreation.info
Bea Magnan has been fascinated with anything and everything to do with Metaphysics, the mind, and the power of thought ever since someone gave her a copy of Claude M. Bristol's, "The Magic of Believing."
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bea_Magnan