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Friday, February 29, 2008

5 Things You Can Do TODAY To Get Happier!

Studies show that money can buy happiness, but only until the point where you have enough to cover expenses for food, shelter, health care, and transportation. After that, more money brings diminishing returns. So, where to put your energy and resources if you want to maximize your happiness?

1. INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH - Health is a prerequisite to happiness. In other words, You can't be happy if you're unhealthy. Eating wisely and moving naturally are the best way to get fit

2. CREATE QUALITY FRIENDSHIPS - When it comes to a social network, quality is more important the quantity. Having two good friends who care about you - whether your chips are up or down - is more important than a huge network. We often forget that friends rarely come on their own accord: they require effort, time and nurturing.

3. EXPLORE YOUR RELIGION - World surveys show that religious people are more happy than non-religious people. Religious people are more likely to have a strong social network and to be at peace with their lives and mortality. What to do: if you have a religion, make and effort to reconnect with it. If not, visit four new religous communities in the next three months and see if any of them align with your values.

4. SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR HOBBY - Build a model, knit a sweater, climb a cliff, cook a gourmet meal. The point is to spend time engaged in activities wherein you are optimally challenged, you get immediate feedback, you lose sense of time and you do it because it's intrinsically rewarding. Psychologist Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi identifies this state as the state of flow. It is perhaps the best way to achieve authentic sustainable happiness.

5. IF YOU'RE UNHAPPY, MOVE - Where you live has a bigger impact on your happiness than your marital status, income, or even education level. If you are not happy where you are, consider moving. World-wide studies show that the happiest places on earth are not tropical islands but place where you feel secure, people around you have the same level of status as you do and it's easy to find a job that is interesting.

Dan Buettner is a world explorer who for the past seven years has been studying the longest lived regions in the world, or Blue Zones. Buettner's work on longevity and happiness has been featured on CNN, Good Morning America and 20/20. His new book The Blue Zone will be released by National Geographic in March of 2008.

Are You Happy?

When someone asks you if you are happy, your response could either be ironic or philosophical, but deep inside your heart you know that you are not as happy as you wish you were...

You may think that you are very happy on weekends and holidays and never again think about this matter. You may say that you are very happy, and thank everyone a lot for their concern when they ask you so, but are you really satisfied with your life? Your personality? The world where you live?

Perhaps your answer to this question may be straightforward and you may say that you are not happy at all. You are depressed and you don't believe in happiness.

The answers to the same question vary a lot according to everyone's experiences and character.

Is there a map that anyone could follow to ensure the achievement of happiness? Is happiness a treasure that anyone can find? Will it last forever? Will it be real and wonderful?

I have been a philosopher and writer since I was 7. I have tried to find the answer to these questions since the time I started to think and write. I would write my thoughts and compare them as time passed.

My poetry was special; I won many prizes. Everyone who knew me was aware that I was an excellent writer. When my works were part of any competition, they always received the first prize. Once, I even won a car, when I wrote a small story for a magazine, only because a friend had asked me to. I wrote it on the last day (even though the competition had permitted 2 months to write it) because I didn't like the subject and I was studying for exams at the University during that time. However, my friend called me up asking if I had written it on the last day of submission, and I could not refuse. So, I wrote it in half an hour and it was the best one, a real work of art!

My teachers and the rest of my college admired my writing, and I was sure that I would someday be a great writer, and perhaps win the Nobel Prize in literature. This was my dream, and it did not appear impossible. I wanted to see my books translated in all existent languages...

However, my destiny was completely different from what I had imagined it to be. Instead of being a writer, I became a psychologist because I pursued the hidden meaning of my own literature. I received magical inspiration from the unconscious that produces our dreams and regulates the functioning of our body. The unconscious is wise and saintly and it tries to save the conscience from the attacks of the wild side of the conscience (anti-conscience), which is very violent and evil and tries to destroy our conscience through craziness.

I interpreted the mysterious meaning of my own literature just as we interpret dreams. I discovered the big illusion of human existence, our anti-conscience, which is demoniac and too powerful. This is our primitive, animal conscience, which can think but is totally insensitive. It is a wild beast that belongs to us, and is part of our personality.

This discovery made me abandon my ideals of fame and glory and strive for humility instead, because I clearly saw the signs of schizophrenia reflected in my own literature. I had the characteristics of a dictator who wanted to impose her selfish desires on everyone.

The unconscious revealed several things, including the fact that we can find true happiness after completely developing our conscience and eliminating all mental illnesses.

If you completely develop your human conscience, you can eliminate your anti-conscience and become a genius because you are not using the biggest fraction of your conscience, since it belongs to your primitive conscience. This is the anti-conscience that has to be transformed into the conscience: you cannot kill it, because it is a part of you.

There is really a map by which you can find real happiness, and this is the scientific method of dream interpretation. By following this method of dream interpretation, you can transform the monster into a conscious part of yourself and you'll then be able to use this part of your conscience, which will make you far more intelligent than what you are now that you are using only a tiny part of your conscience.

In order to be happy, you need mental health and wisdom.

If you are wise, your happiness doesn't depend on your external reality, because you have inner peace. Further, if you are wise, you do everything perfectly and you always have the best results in your daily reality as well. You don't make any mistakes or waste your time with what is not good for you.

Therefore, when someone asks you if you are happy, you will say that you are always happy with yourself because you recognize all the good things that you have, but that you are always sad because not everybody in this world can be happy like you.

You must have a burning desire to help everyone find happiness, since everyone requires it very much. Only then will you be able to say that you are completely happy. Your happiness should not be the selfish and absurd kind: it will be a healthy happiness that will not be threatened by any danger.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere. Learn more at:

Click here and download your copy of the Free ebook
Beating Depression and Craziness

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Easy Steps to Accomplishing Any Goal

Do you have a big goal or project you want to accomplish but are too overwhelmed to even get started? Perhaps you have already started it but are stuck and can not get it to move forward. Whatever you want to do, start a business, change careers, or take a quantum leap forward with your income, you can do it. Just let go of your feeling of being overwhelmed, bogged down, or not knowing where to start and follow this simple process that will help you accomplish your goals

The secret to accomplishing major goals is to take your project and break it down into small steps. The size of the steps will depend on what you are comfortable with. The important thing is to keep taking steps toward your goal. As you move closer you will find your steps will get larger and faster - the momentum will carry you along. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, but you must keep taking those steps one at a time!

  • Start with the end in mind. You first need to know where you are going so you can map out a plan to get there. Decide what you want and then set the goal or goals that will be required to get you there.
  • Make a time frame and determine the actions you need to take - break them down into small steps and do them one at a time.
  • Determine what the most important things are you need to do to reach your goal and put your time and energy into accomplishing those actions.
  • Keep focused and make a daily to do list with the six most important actions to take that will keep you moving forward. If six actions make you feel overwhelmed then pick a number that you feel comfortable with but take the time to determine what are the most important actions you need to focus on everyday. Plan to focus your actions on what is going to have the most impact.
  • Keep the end in the forefront of your mind! As you move through the steps keep your thoughts on the final out come you desire.

Patty Tolar is a professional coach living in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. She helps her clients move forward in quantum leaps teaching them how to skyrocket their incomes and manifest the life they dream of living. She also teaches work shops and teleseminars on The Law of Attraction and Visions Boards. She operates a blog that is all about creating more money, success, and abundance in your life! Patty loves to give away FREE stuff and is now giving away Free memberships to her newsletter. Sign up now - it is all Free. More information at

Goal Setting Sets the Energy in Motion - Launching Law of Attraction

Traditionally, January tends to be a time for goal setting. However, many of you have learned that with Law of Attraction you can have goals and desires ALL year long -- waiting until New Year's to set goals is so seventies! The 'deciding-what-you-desire' part of goal setting is the most important. You have to think about what you DO want and then articulate it, making sure you are clear about what you want. You now have your goals! All of that attention, energy and focus on your desire launches Law of Attraction by setting the energy in motion. Giving attention to anything ALWAYS sets the energy in motion (Law of Attraction).

Goal setting sets the energy in motion.

Deciding you desire something sets the energy in motion.·
Daydreaming about your goals and desires sets the energy in motion.·
Writing your goals on a 'yellow-sticky note' sets the energy in motion.·
Telling others about your goals and dreams sets the energy in motion.
The point I want to emphasize is that we are good at setting the energy in motion. Can you feel the emotion when you say, "I've decided"? Deciding sets the energy in motion yet many people never say it. The challenge in goal setting is that, not only are you asked to state your goal, you are asked when it is that you want it. Here is an example:

Setting the Energy in Motion in Your Life

Goal: To have ten new clients by the end of this month. (Your goal is clear, measurable and specific.)

Challenge: Mid-month comes around and you've only attracted three new clients. Towards the end of the month, you start noticing that you are "not there' yet. Now a bit of panic or doubt (both negative vibrations) kicks it. You may start telling yourself, "I've only got three clients and I wanted ten." In your observation of NOT having the full ten, you send out a negative vibration of NOT having what you want.

Keeping score of what you have NOT attracted maintains a negative vibration towards your goal. Disappointment sets in.

Solution: Continue to set the energy of your goals in motion. Be deliberate about what you are paying attention to. Continue to pay attention to what you HAVE attracted so far- reminding yourself that LOTS can happen before the end of the month. In other words, celebrate and acknowledge what HAS happened. By practicing gratitude for all that has happened so far, you will be resetting your vibration to the way you want things to be and as always, Law of Attraction responds and matches your vibration.

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.

For more articles by Michael Losier, Teleclass information or to purchase the book, Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, visit