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Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Name is Hope!

In a world of constant change, instant everything, I need a tool to help me remember the cyclical nature of life and personal growth. Time is a flowing river that I travel through, in order to remember who I am. Caught in one part of the river called linear time, I see life as a challenge that has a beginning and an end. I live in the middle part of this river and live only what I can feel through my five senses. Unaware of other aspects of the river I feel separated from the source of its energy. I find myself paddling harder and harder to get to the end where there is a beach of perfection, forgetting that I don't need to paddle at all to find what I'm looking for; it is right where it has always been, within me.

Digging through the sand of my river I discover many things that help me on my journey; there are all sorts of remedies to ease the pain I experience and feel most of the time. Usually I use something that quickly puts my mind in a better thought and I go on with my travels acting like I am complete. Off course there is that faint voice that keeps calling me to remember something that seems so near yet so far away. I avoid it, because it does not fit into the suitcase of beliefs I acquired traveling down my linear branch of the river. I ignore it until at one point, the river changes and I'm face with a choice that will alter the course I take and what I will experience.

This change throws me out of the boat and my suitcase of beliefs is opened and they sink to the bottom of the river. I am in a state of fear and I reach for the nearest branch to pull me to safety. The branch breaks and I find myself with nothing but my inner voice that is softly whispering to me: "My name is Hope, and I am your boat."

Suddenly I stop struggling and listen to Hope and the current of the river takes me to a bank of reality where I step on the shore of perfection. This shore is not perfection meaning final, the end, or the greatest; it is the shore of appreciation. I start to see myself as more than human; more than matter, I see my true self and a beam of light warms my body and mind in a magical way. I look up and down, side to side and see the other parts of the river that were hidden from my perspective by my thoughts of fear. The river has so many parts, each one waiting for me to experience when I'm ready.

Sitting on the bank with my feet soaking in the river of life, I remember something that Hope whispered to me when I feared for my linear life:

I bathe myself in generosity,
Praise and gratitude for my fellow beings and all life,
Self-acceptance for my thoughts in life,
With enlightened understanding of my life experiences.
Each experience brings me closer to the bank of love
Where I never left
I just forgot where it was.

So my travels continue and my experiences bring me generosity, appreciation and love. I no longer feel alone or separated. Hope is with me; so are all the angels that journey with me. I now know I am here to be a grander version of a spirit having a human experience and I do it with gratitude and respect for all consciousness.

Howard (Hal) Thomas Manogue, was born in Philadelphia, and is a forerunner to the Indigo children, a now age term for misfit with an intuitive nature, a desire to know his truth with a gift of giving and sharing. Hal retired from the shoe industry after 35 years of sole searching, and discovered his real soul.

He enjoys art, music, philosophy, psychology, nature and people.

His poems have been published by: Mystic Pop Magazine, Children Of The New Earth Magazine, New Age Tribune, Seasons Of The Soul Newsletters, Lightship News and Writers In The Sky Newsletters. His essays can be found on Hal's Blog and Website:

He lives in Franklin Tennessee.

Hal's new book Short Sleeves Insights: Live A Ordinary Life In An Non-Ordinary Way will be in print in April. Visit any bookstore or Hal's website to get a copy. Hal's third Collection Of poetry: Short Sleeves A Book For Friends will also be in print in April.

Your Success Depends On Your Motivation

No matter where life takes us, we all need to be positively motivated in order to succeed. This is particularly true when things are not quite going our way and when we have undertaken business projects that do not seem to work out as we would have expected. It is at this point that fear can move stealthily into our way of thinking and a little irritating voice says that this is not going to work.

So, what can be done? Well, for the most part, it is important that you steer clear of negative people. These people can, at times, be your own flesh and blood. However, this is not the time to disclose any doubts and fears that you may have in them. Positive and enthusiastic people should be sought out from your acquaintances, family and friends. Assume the positive and confident outlooks on life that they have. Locate a good motivational book. Return and re-tackle the issues that are holding your scheme back, whilst you are thinking about success. It is very often a case of needing to tweak certain aspects of the operation in order to get it moving.

If research has been undertaken by yourself correctly, then there must be a reason as to why things are not going so well. Determination will pay in the long run. If you are yearning to succeed, this will without a doubt provide the inspiration and energy that is required to get you off on the right foot and where you need to go. This is personal motivation in action. Positive results will be achieved when your energy and desire work together.

When things are not going your way, it is easy for you to become down and depressed. It is simple to just give up and give in to fear and misery. However, it is this approach that leads you to less success. Depression and loss of motivation can be increased when communicating with unenthusiastic people. In a sense, we are in actual fact what we deem ourselves to be, and we need to motivate ourselves in order to achieve.

In one way, it is more difficult to remain positive since is requires a great deal of energy. However, on the other hand, being negative takes your energy away, whilst being positive will produce energy. Motivation is produced when we remain positive, and results are produced from enthusiastic motivation. Nothing is a lost cause. It is just necessary to undertake thoughtful restructuring in the worst cases, or minor tweaking at best. All that is required to carry this out is the motivation and enthusiasm.

Life can be difficult. However it is imperative that you search for the positives in everything, including situations that prove to be difficult. It is important that you enjoy life and mix with positive, energetic people. It is simple for their enthusiasm and motivation to break through the shell of depression that is blocking up your life. Goals need to be developed, followed by you gaining the amount of motivation needed to drive in your life.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Science of Getting Rich - Your Action Plan for Success

Although "The Secret" sounds as if all you have to do is envision what you want and then send happy thoughts out into the universe to get it, it's a little bit more complicated than that.

Although I do believe in the Law of Attraction, I also believe that there is another "law" at work here, and if you really want to succeed, you have to follow this law, the "Law of Action."

Another pitfall to avoid is wanting things for the wrong reasons. The unfortunate truth is that there are many successful people in the world who seem to have it all, and yet they are miserable and unhappy with what they have. You can avoid this by taking certain steps first.

To have what you want in life, to be what you want and then enjoy it when you get it, you need an action plan. You can start on th road to success by asking yourself these five questions:

(Write your answers down. This will help you more effectively clarify your answers.)

1. What do you want?

If I had to pick one question that probably stumps most people, this one would be it. Most people really don't know what they want out of life, and so they just drift through life.

If you really want to get what you want out of life, then you need to know exactly what that is. To be rich and famous is simply not enough. You need to be as specific as possible about what you want.

2. Why do you want it?

If you want to be rich and famous because you want to teach the kids from high school that they were wrong about you, then that's the wrong reason.

If you want to be [fill in the blank] because you genuinely want to help others, now you're on the right track. Wallace Wattles says we can only give others what we have. Giving will only bring you more of what you want.

3. What's holding you back?

Do you have any attitudes you need to get rid of, like you'll never succeed because: you're the wrong color, wrong, sex, wrong size, wrong this, wrong that, you [fill in the blank]?

Get rid of them. Attitudes like that will only hold you back, and they'll only be unnecessary obstacles. Why punish yourself like that?

4. What do you need to make it happen?

Are there skills you need to develop? Do you need to go back to school, etc.? Before you take such drastic steps, consider talents you already have. You may need to do nothing more than to start taking action, and if you look at your talents, you may just realize what you really want to do with your life.

5. What action steps will you take?

Although there are many ways to do this, my favorite way, and the easiest way I know of, is recommended by Mark Joyner of Simpleology. It's called The Backward Planner.

Basically, all you have to do is write down the end result of what you want to achieve and then write the steps you need to take, backwards, to get what you want.

For example, if you want to earn $10,000 a month, that's your end state. Now, write down the steps you'll take to achieve that. It could be something like doing 10 joint ventures. Write down each step involved in making that step happen.

Look, the bottom line is this: only you get to decide who you will be and what you will do with your life unless you decide to listen to those who don't have your best interests at heart. Is that what you really want for your life?

Want more tips to change your life? Then check out my blog, "The REAL Science of Getting Rich". Get thousands of dollars in free ebooks and audio. Learn how to change your life now. Find Tshirts, novelty items and more on the Science of Getting Rich at Not PC TShirts.

Emotions & Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction involves our emotions. Our emotions provide the universe with valuable source information about us. Call it our "emotional guidance system". One of the most powerful influences we have to engage the Law of Attraction is our emotional feelings as a primary mode of experiencing our reality.

The universe is governed by universal laws. These universal laws are not something we created, they have been in force since the beginning of time and maybe even before this. These laws apply to everything there is and cannot be broken, or changed.

The most powerful law in the universe is the Law of Attraction. This law makes the universe alive and real. "Like attracts like." You get what you think about and feel, even if this is unwanted. You receive what you put your energy into. You are a living, breathing magnet that is always attracting more of what it is you are sending out.

Your emotions provide powerful information that creates a vibrational signature that is uniquely your own. This vibrational signature is broadcast out to the universal consciousness. It will respond and give you more of what your vibrational signal sends to it. This is the Law of Attraction at work. Yes, it works all of the time.

When we begin to pay attention to our feelings as an emotional indicator, we can become clearer of intention to attract to us what it is we truly desire in life. When we are emotionally uplifted, our vibrational signal resonates at a higher frequency in a more positive way.

When we feeling frustrated, angry and depressed, these emotions are broadcast on a lower vibrational frequency. This is a clear emotional indicator that we are not connected to our higher source and are experiencing unwanted things that are coming into our life.

By paying attention to our emotional indicator, we can become more consciously aware of when we are slipping into emotional states that lower our positive energy field.

Believe it or not, we exert more energy into resistance when we are in the lower spectrum field trying to resist all the things we don't want. We gain more higher energy by being emotionally connected to what it is we do want in our lives. This is the universal path of least resistance.

Feeling good, being emotionally connected to ourselves in a positive way allows the Law of Attraction to work for you. A positive, uplifted emotional state of grace is just what the universal doctor intended for us to live in. When we allow ourselves to be co-creators of the universe and consciously use the power of the Law of Attraction, this is truly to be alive!

Don't let your negative emotions keep you stuck in a reality you do not deserve. Begin to focus on things in your life that are positive and meaningful to you. This might sound easier said then done but it does take more of your energy away from you to feel angry, depressed or stuck in a past that is not serving you any longer.

Turn on your emotional indicator and begin using it to stay in the positive, higher vibrations that you can sending out. We are all made of this energy, we all can use this with intent to allow the Law of Attraction to bring us lives that we all were meant to experience.

For Additional information concerning The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics visit

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Emotional Intelligence - Views Of Daniel Goleman On Its Effect On Us!

Emotional intelligence constitutes one particular side of your personality. It revolves around you being yourself. Specialist concur that with the exception of your intellectual quotient, how well you do in the future is considerably determined by emotional quotient. It is true that we arrive at our conclusions by means of our intellect. This is precisely what we avail of in cranial analysis as well as for retaining information critical to generating the answers with regard to the circumstances that we confront.

Since a long time, a vast majority believed that IQ was the sole factor, which tends to give us directions in life.

At one time, people did not take into account that emotions played a major role in giving rise to vital decisions. In addition, they have looked upon emotions as a nuisance that prevents us from enjoying life to the fullest. Emotions were often deemed as irritants that hindered right thinking.

But, the passage of time necessitated that we modify our opinions and persons were born to pass on our perspective. One such person is the precursor of emotional intelligence, Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and writer.

We are continuously carrying on a conversation with the person seated close by. During this process of interface, a whole host of skills is required to ascertain if it is effective or unfavorable to the concerned person. We require thorough analysis, social skills, abilities to express ourselves in a proper manner as well as the capability to direct things into fruitful means of interface. Apart from these, there are many other critical facets of living, which we need to discover.

Any setbacks with regard to any of these will tend to bring about what is termed the domino effect regarding the way in which we carry on our lives and also in developing friendly relations with not only ourselves but also with the persons whom we know on a personal level.

Emotional intelligence covers all of the above.

People with elevated levels of emotional intelligence tend to be prominent even if they are facing a challenge from persons whose IQs are equally high. It is not a bad sign to be considered intelligent. It is simply that where everything is concerned, we need to strike a balance and agreement.

Since a long time, the sole deciding factor of contended living is the capability to think properly. However, due to studies Daniel Goleman developed as well as the book on Emotional Intelligence, people's opinions on right living underwent a drastic transformation.

Both Daniel Goleman as well as his book titled Emotional Intelligence rerouted our single-mindedness from a higher IQ to that of a higher EQ. Specialists have today recognized that individuals who carry out their tasks effectively are not just those considered book smarts. Actually, there are several scenarios when those that are street smart plus emotionally intelligent persons garner the fruits of success.

Now, we can ascertain emotionally intelligent persons by means of their exhibition of different behaviors that separate them from persons with higher IQ but unstable emotions.

There are many people blessed with the aptitude to persist, empathize, and restrain themselves. Then there are persons capable of resolving issues by employing their finest decisions as well as those capable of connecting with people. In addition, there are people who can restrain their inclinations and those capable of maintaining relationships. They come in several faces and every one of them has traits vastly dissimilar from each other.

Now, all these aptitudes are derived from their abilities to be conscious of their very own feelings as well as the sentiment expressed by others. They perfectly understand how and why they respond in the manner, they do. Perhaps, they have a higher level of social intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence, which are useful in arriving at decisions and knowledge of themselves as well as the people with whom they are interfacing.

While there is no possibility that everyone is blessed with greater IQs, all males have equal prospects of developing emotional intelligence because this constitutes an extremely dynamic facet of personality.

Abhishek is a self-proclaimed Personality Development Guru and has written several books on this topic! Visit his website and Download his FREE Personality Development Report and discover some amazing self-improvement tips for FREE. Become the best you can become and reclaim your life! But hurry, only limited Free copies available!

Unleash Your Inner Genius

Let's say you are wrestling with a tough issue - maybe at work, at home, with your children or in your social life. You have been stuck for a while and you can't seem to make a breakthrough. You want to come up with some really creative ideas. What can you do? Here are ten great practical ways to boost your inventiveness and to crack the problem:

1. Ask why, why? Ask, 'why has this issue arisen?' Come up with six different reasons and for each of them ask, 'why did this happen?' Keep asking why for each cause. This helps you to better understand the different reasons why this is a problem and so in turn you will see different possible solutions.

2. Sleep on it. Ponder the issue and all its aspects for some time and then put it out of your mind. Get a good night's sleep. The subconscious mind goes to work and often you come up with great ideas the next day.

3. Talk it over with someone who has nothing to do with the situation. They will often ask basic questions or make seemingly silly suggestions that prompt good ideas. Two heads are better than one but people who are too close to the issue will often come up with the same ideas as you, so try an outsider.

4. Ask how some celebrity would tackle the issue - what would Steve Jobs do? Or Bob Geldof , or Richard Branson, or Salvador Dali or Margaret Thatcher or Madonna or Sherlock Holmes? Take each individual's approach to its extremes and it will likely give you some radical solutions.

5. Pick up any object at random and say to yourself, 'this item contains the key to solving the problem.' Then force some ideas. Try this with several different objects and you will have a selection of radical and inventive ideas.

6. Use similes. Try to think of a different problem in another walk of life that is like your problem. Say you want your staff at work to try new ways of working. You might imagine that this is like getting your children to eat vegetables. List various methods you might use with your children to encourage or persuade them to try vegetables. Then go through the list and then see if any of the ideas can be converted into things you can try at work.

7. Imagine an ideal solution in a world where there are no constraints -e.g. you can use any resource you want. Now work back from that ideal and challenge each of the constraints that is holding you back from achieving it. Many of the obstacles can be overcome when you take this approach.

8. Open a dictionary and take any noun at random. Write down six attributes of that noun - so for tree you might write - root, branch, family, apple, trunk and tall. Then force some links between the word or its attributes and the problem in order to come up with fresh ideas. You will be surprised at how well this works - for individuals or in a group.

9. Ponder the issue and then go for a walk around an art gallery or museum. The range of external stimuli will help you conceive plenty of new ideas.

10. Draw a picture of the situation showing the people and the issues in simple cartoon style. Put it up on the wall and then imagine how the story could develop. Think of it as a cartoon strip. Many people's brains work better in images than in words or numbers so this can lead to fantastic ideas.

These methods work for individuals and for groups. Try them and see what suits you best. Above all keep reminding yourself - there are some great solutions for my problem - I haven't found the right one yet but I will!

Paul Sloane is the founder of Destination Innovation ( He writes and speaks on lateral thinking and innovation. His book, The Innovative Leader, is published by Kogan-Page.