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Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Positive and Negative Uses of Anger

Our emotions are like the weather. The weather changes constantly. A day can start out with the most beautiful sunrise, and by noon the skies can go from blue to gray and cloudy with thundering and lightning. We have emotions that are like the bright shiny days and we have some that are like dark clouds of thunder and lightning. We have seen weather forecasts that suggest weathers are triggered by warm temperatures or cold temperatures etc. The bottom-line is that weather is triggered by something. It does not just happen.

Thus there are obviously good and bad emotions, just like there is good and bad weather. Fortunately we can detect when bad weather is heading our way [most of the time]. Using this information we take certain precautionary measures to deal with bad weather, either through avoidance or should we need to remain out in the elements, use protective gear.


We should be able to forecast our emotions as well, based on the environment. Remember the weather triggers. We can usually tell when our emotions are changing, depending on what is going on around us. The emotion that most people try to avoid is that of anger. This is like the thundering and lightning weather. We can deal with anger by taking notice of the things that trigger this emotion in us. If we notice the triggers, then we can take steps to avoid it by removing ourselves from the situation or, if it is something we need to 'weather', e.g. a necessary confrontation, then we need to take measures to not let that emotion get out of control.

Anger is not necessarily a bad emotion, but it is often not channeled correctly. Anger can be used to move people into action. Most people who have heard of Jesus Christ may have heard of the time He angrily turned over tables in the temple. The reason? He saw the poor being taken advantage of by greedy businessmen in the house of God out all places! This behavior triggered the emotion of anger in Him and He moved to action.

In dealing with Anger, we must pay attention to the triggers to either avoid the emotion, or if we need to weather the storm of this emotion, develop ways to channel it correctly. Loosing control with anger as the stimulus never produces good results. Loosing control in anger can be likened to the dark clouds of thunder and lightning with tornadoes.

You can find many ways to handle anger correctly, taught by experts. However here are some methods that I have employed:

  • Not going over the confrontation or event before hand in your head in a negative light. So do not anticipate what others are going to say or do negatively and how you are going to react negatively. Think of this as not taking gasoline with you to deal with a fire.
  • If the event happens suddenly then obviously you do not have much time to prepare. However, remember the 'triggers' we discussed earlier. You should know when you are in an environment that is conducive to an anger outburst. So spend time thinking about how positively you can respond to a situation.

If you spend time imagining positive responses vs. negative reactions, you will soon begin to develop proper ways of handling anger. It requires programming your mind. So if you have an anger problem, spend some time each day imagining how positively you can respond to situations. It will manifest outwardly.

Copyright © 2008, Mark A. Singh. All rights reserved.

Mark A. Singh
For more Life changing Principles, please visit my site:
Leading In Life

Moving Beyond Anger With Emotional Freedom Techniques

Quite often, we get angry; and we deal with it in different ways.

Some of us react; some suppress; some show indifference; some walk away fuming inside; some of us believe it is "wrong" to feel anger and hence suppress or 'by-pass' angry feelings; and some of us bring it all out on other people.

Science is proving the link between heart disease and anger as the underlying emotional cause. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)has been extremely useful and efficient in healing anger and it is amazing to see how a person has a new understanding of the same situation that unfolds naturally; often, much to their own surprise and relief. With the new perspective that emerges, they have clarity on dealing with the situation with more positive choices in hand.

Identifying globally:

Firstly, here is a brief list of common reasons why we feel angry towards someone/ ourselves. Replace 'they' to someone specific (in a specific event/situation), or to ' I ' if the anger is towards yourself.

When others do not agree with me

When they do not understand me

When they obstructs me from satisfying my needs.

When they do not respect me

When they think they are superior

When they try to control or suppress me

When they criticize me

When they tell lies or gossip about me

When they harm me or someone close to me.

When they have evil intentions or ulterior motives

When they are negative, complaining, whining, criticizing etc

When they think they know it all

When they give me advice I have not asked for

When they play the role of the victim, the "poor me," and want attention

When they do not take care of themselves or carry their share of the load

When they make mistakes

When they do not keep their promises or appointments

When they are weak and dependent

When they act in an egotistical and selfish ways, disregarding my or others' needs

When they use me or others

When they are cold and insensitive

When they are not responsible to their word or responsibilities

When they are lazy

When they ignore my needs

When they reject me

When the traffic is too heavy

Being Specific:

Think/connect to the situation/ person in your mind that bring these feelings in you. Tune into a specific event or incident where you have felt this way and use the Movie Method approach of EFT and review your feelings after a couple of rounds of tapping.


Our beliefs become part of us from childhood much of which is learned from those around us. When we think/act as a reflex and feel uncomfortable with those thoughts/ actions, it is a good idea to review the beliefs and make positive, productive changes that fit into who you are.

Anger belief EFT statements

Here is a list of anger belief EFT statements. Practice them tapping along everyday while brushing your teeth in the morning, in the mirror, in small groups or anytime you feel your negatives coming to the surface and in few weeks, you will experience a new and different you..

Even though I am afraid of anger, I choose to acknowledge all of my feelings. It is safe for me to recognize and release my anger. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though if I get angry, I will lose control, I choose to express my anger in appropriate places and ways. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have no right to be angry, I choose to know that all my emotions are acceptable. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though anger is bad, I choose to know that anger is normal and natural. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though when someone is angry, I get scared, I choose to comfort my inner child and we are safe. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though it is not safe to be angry, I choose to know that I am safe with all my emotions. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though my parents did not allow me to express my anger, I choose to now move beyond my parents' limitations. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I won't be loved if I get angry, I choose to know that the more honest I am, the more I am loved. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have to hide my anger, I choose to express my anger in appropriate ways. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though stuffing anger makes me sick, I choose to express my anger in appropriate ways. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I have never been angry, I allow myself freedom with all my emotions, including anger. I completely love and accept myself.

Even though if I get angry I will hurt someone, I choose know that healthy expressions of anger keep me healthy. I choose to know that everyone is safe with me when I express my emotions. I completely love and accept myself.

'Using' anger in a healthy manner: How?

Ask yourself "What do I want here (from this person) that I am not getting (and which is making me angry)

Once you know what it is that you 'want' or 'need' is, express it to the person in a positive manner.

Here, we have gone beyond anger by taking a couple of steps backward!

This will lead to less reaction that stems from anger, to more clear and productive communication; better understanding; more joyous experiences in relationships.

And of course, a much healthier heart!

And, do remember..

Even though I was told anger is not good, I give myself permission to acknowledge my feelings...!

I give due credit to Robert Najemy and Louise Hay for their teachings on the subject.

Overcoming Emotional Anger

Feelings and emotions are basically the essence of our lives, but anger is one feeling that can destroy us. Coping with anger is not an easy task to achieve, but it is not impossible. We see that, with enough will power, we can climb large mountains, so we need to think that anger is just a mountain that we can climb to the top of with simple anger management techniques.

Anger can sometimes become the dilemma of our lives. As it tries to take control of our minds, our whole being can be subjected to different changes. As a consequence we can find we are no longer in control of ourselves and anger has ultimately taken charge.

Emotions of anger can arise when we are afraid of something. Fear is always the underlying root cause of anger, and in the surge of these emotions we may act out violently to protect ourselves. By acting out violently we are not ,in fact,protecting ourselves or practicing good anger management skills, but in reality we are creating more problems for ourselves.

When we feel threatened we are likely to react to feelings of fear and anger every time we do not have the power to decipher the underlying cause that actually made us angry. If we are incapable of getting to the underlying reasons of our anger then the result is not going to be a good one. Our lack of anger management will undoubtedly only cause more problems.

Consider yourself in a situation where you are threatened by some people. Now there are two basic ways to deal with this situation, as follows:

1. First of all you get an anxiety and panic attack, but you need to contain yourself and think how you can get out of this problem. You must try to calm yourself down however difficult this may appear to be at the time. When you feel a bit more relaxed, talk with the people who are offending you. Find out what they actually want, and try to explain and discuss what is bothering you. If you are successful in engaging them in a conversation then you are likely to find the solution to the problem. This is a great anger management tip.

2. The person with anger management problems will deal with this situation in a very different manner. The person will be frightened first of all, and then this fear could lead them to act violently. If this happens they will inevitably make the situation worse because of their anger and their uncontrolled emotions. The uncontrolled and overwhelming emotions can lead to fighting with the people who threatened us.This will obviously not help the situation at all , in fact , it will most likely result in a far more hazardous situation. This is certainly not displaying any kind of anger management.

The best way to deal with any situation is to stop and think whether it really is worth getting angry and emotional and possibly depressed about. If yes, then try to use your anger in a positive way. Use it creatively to think it through and find a solution to the problem. Talk to the people who are irritating you rather than becoming violent and possibly inflicting injuries on them or abusing them verbally. By law you are certainly given the right to protect yourself, but you certainly have no right whatever to harm or abuse anyone, either verbally or physically.

There is no doubt that there are some situations where you are going to find yourself with no option left other than defending yourself physically from the other person or persons. But even if you find yourself in such a situation always remember to stay in control mentally. You should always use anger management techniques to keep yourself in control. The moment you lose control mentally and let your anger take over you will then have lost all sense of self control.

Do not do this to yourself, because when anger takes over it will lead you into doing things that you would never ever normally choose to do. Your lack of anger management will make you prone to do things which you would ,under normal circumstances, find totally unacceptable.

In summary , always use your will power and self control when you find yourself in a confronting situation. This can certainly prevent you from becoming a victim of negative anger. Use your anger management strategy. Use your emotions of anger in a positive way. Don't let your anger take charge of your life.

Article written by Norman Holden editor and owner of a website about Overcoming Emotional Anger

Visit his website on a regular basis for up-to-date news and help.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Believe That You Have Whatever You Want

Words can be very tricky things at times.

The trouble is that certain words that are used a lot get loaded up with extra meanings and associations, so that they have to be used with great care, if they can even be used at all. For example, if I start talking about God, I may well be pretty sure what I mean, but, since you have a lot of things associated with the word, you may well hear something quite different from what I intend. A word like "God" tends to have some very powerful and emotive associations, so as to make it almost useless for any meaningful discussion, unless there is a clear agreement about exactly what it means to the people in the discussion.

Advertisers use this phenomenon of word association to help sell their product. They call it "branding."

I mention it because if I say something like, "If I pray to God in faith, then God will certainly give me exactly what I pray for," I've already lost at least half the audience, who now probably think I'm some kind of religious nut. But that's just the word associations of the highly charged words I'm using.

So if I say this instead, "If I ask the Universe to supply me with something that is on my list of desires, and I put the focus of my thoughts into vibrational alignment with that desire being fulfilled, then the Universe will respond to my vibration by the Law of Attraction to bring me what I ask for."

Putting it in this way is still quite highly charged, but less so. It is much easier to get the actual meaning of it, rather than the "branded" meaning.

But, and this is the point, both sentences mean the same thing!

So why is it important? For two reasons. One, you need to be able to put your requests in a way that feels comfortable for you. Two, you need to put your requests in such a way as not to introduce any shadow of doubt that they will be fulfilled.

So if you want something amazing to happen to you, or to the world, it is essential that when you ask for it, you believe and do not doubt. It is your doubt that prevents it from happening.

"If you want to change the world, change yourself first."

The author writes for "Success is not just about Money" the blog dedicated to helping a million people to learn how to create their own reality. Visit

4 Simple Steps To Visualization Success

Whatever it is you want to do, have, or be can be yours through the magic of visualization. Visualization is the key to living life on your own terms and in your own way -- exactly as you have envisioned it.

When you want something so bad you can almost taste it, that's when it's physical manifestation is right around the corner. Anything you sincerely want can be yours and in surprisingly short order. That promise is yours for the taking when you master and practice the 4 simple steps to visualization success.

Sincere desire is the starting point of physical manifestation. Whatever you want begins with a thought. Visualize it again and again and your desire becomes a dominant thought that changes your focus and energy level.

If your desire is weak, if it is only a passing interest, there won't be enough energy behind it for its manifestation. If your attitude is, "That would be nice, but what I really want is ____" (fill in the blank) than you must shift your focus to what you really want. When your desire is so intense that you can actually feel it -- than manifestation is the next logical step. When you can see yourself enjoying the subtle ocean breeze and azure blue waters while sipping a rum punch from your beach-front lounge in sun-drenched Antigua, you're already on the way towards bringing your desired vacation towards you. Make it your dominant thought and it will indeed become your reality.

Desire gives you an advantage. When you know what it is you want and you know in your heart that you're actually moving towards it, you've already placed your order with the universe. And as long as you stick with the same goal that you enhance with visualization, the universe will collaborate to ensure you manifest your dream. But most people can't decide. They never settle on one definite objective to pursue. So they seldom get what they really want.

If you let your deepest desire be your guide and you stay the course, visualizing your goal and feeling its presence, manifestation is a given.

So the first ingredient to visualization success is to begin with a desire. If it's merely a wish, you need to examine it more closely to see if it's something you really want. If you can turn up the intensity and shape it into a burning desire, then it's something that's within your capability to manifest. If you want it badly, you'll be more inclined to use the visualization success formula often.

Now repeatedly think about the desire you want to materialize. Repetition is the second key ingredient to visualization success. Think about it in the morning. Think about it at lunch. Think about it before dropping off to sleep at night. And think about as often as you can at any time of day.

Use triggers like a goal card, or post-it note with your objective clearly and succinctly described. Add it as a target to your pocket Day Timer, or place a simple note on your nightstand. Repetition is important to drive that desire deep into your subconscious where the magic begins to happen.

Next, intensify your thoughts. Think long and hard about what it is you want to do... want to have... or want to be. Concentrate on it. Examine it in complete detail so you can describe it thoroughly and precisely. Get a clear mental image of the precise result you want.

If it's something you want to do, see yourself doing it. If it's something you want to have, look at such things as color, size, texture and the finish. If it's something you want to be, see yourself in your new role in the exact environment that will surround you as your objective comes to fruition.

Ingredient number 3 to visualization success is to use your imagination to create a vivid image. Your intense thoughts and images are the map that uncovers your buried treasure.

Feelings are ingredient number 4. It's your feelings that act as fuel. You can think about your goal all you want. And you can have your favorite car pointed in the right direction to take you to your chosen destination. But without the fuel, it would be a long and frustrating journey. Add real feelings to your visualized image and it is like filling up the gas tank. Feelings are the secret power of manifesting whatever it is you want.

This 4-step visualization success formula takes on a whole new dimension when you inject emotional energy into it. Feel what it's like to already have whatever it is you most desire. Get a sense of it and make it real. Embody those feelings and you'll gain a deep sense of exactly how having the result you want feels on every level.

Allow your enthusiasm to soar. Powerful feelings combined with targeted, one-directional thoughts are an unstoppable force of creative power. In other words, follow this recipe and you'll soon be enjoying an abundant feast of your own choosing.

Now that you understand the basics, here's how to make Visualization Success work for you automatically. To help you get to wherever it is you want to go the quick and easy way, visit today.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Affirmations - Improve Your Life

Daily affirmations help people to focus on the divine Presence in the universe that we are all tied into. By focusing our intention to these daily affirmations, we can begin to experience the kind of life we truly desire to be living.

Find a quiet place, preferably in the morning, to devote at least fifteen minutes of quiet time to read a daily affirmation statement, letting it envelope you. By keeping out the clutter of other thoughts and dwelling in the affirmation, you are letting your thoughts become lighter and engaging the higher presence to hear you clearer.

Positive affirmations can sound like a waste of time to some people, but the individuals that practice affirmations on a daily basis feel more uplifted and calmer with more purpose for their day.

The people that use daily affirmations in their lives do so because these affirmations make a difference in their outlook on life, their health and stress. When we affirm to our own well being, we are consciously engaging a very powerful force that is a part of us to help keep us well balanced.

It is no secret that many people fighting life threatening illnesses are encouraged by many in the medical profession to use daily affirmations to help our bodies get better. Many studies done throughout the years cannot deny that the use of positive affirmations will make significant changes in not just our health, but also our whole outlook on life.

There is a lot of stress in the world today. Stress not only puts us on edge, it leads to high blood pressure and other illness when stress begins attacking the body. Stress is one of the major factors that can lead to addiction and alcoholism. Positive daily affirmations play a large role in relieving the stress that can build up.

Within the area of quantum physics, many scientists have proven that the world we all live in is one of intent. We seem to create our own realities by what we think about. When we dwell on the negative things that happen in our lives, we seem to attracted more of the same. We begin to perceive our lives in negative ways because the Law of Attraction will support this view.

What breaks this negative, stress-filled cycle in our lives is to use the positive daily affirmations to engage the Law of Attraction so we can experience more abundance and happiness. Like attracts like, this is the way the world turns. When we begin using positive affirmations, then we begin manifesting more positive things in our lives.

In fact, you do not have to believe daily affirmations will work at all for you. You only need to have a willingness to try. If you were to begin using daily affirmations, within a couple of short weeks you would have to notice more positive changes in you and the life around you taking place.

Think of your daily affirmations as meditations. All you need to do is focus on your affirmation statement, letting it become you. Repeat the statement, focus with intent on it. Many people that use their affirmations in the morning almost plan their days by them.

About the Author: Kaylie L Holbrook has the secrets you need to change your life immediately with daily affirmations. Experience amazing changes in your life at my website:

Never Let Go Of Your Dreams!

There are so many dreams that I have had throughout my life. While many of my dreams have come true, there are still a multitude of magnificent dreams that surround me, and dance like breathtakingly beautiful silhouettes. They are formed within the depths of my heart and soul inspiring me to run this race of life ever forging ahead, allowing nothing to stop me from achieving every last thing that I know is mine for the taking!

As a little girl I remember believing that I could do absolutely anything that I could imagine. As I grew older, I realized that the dreams I once aspired to achieve were thwarted by poor choices and wrong thinking. Then it occurred to me! If my dreams were to ever become a reality it would have to be simply because of my faith! I would have to believe that others would be drawn to me and that my vision would inspire them to take chances that they normally would never take, and together we would hold hands, reach up to the stars, and see the once unattainable dreams and visions become a reality.

I hold fast to the belief that vision attracts vision, and dream attracts dream. I like to think about the Law of Magnetic Resonance. An illustration of the Law of Magnetic Resonance is this: picture that you have two pianos in one room. One is at one end of the room and the other piano is at the other end of the room opposite of the first piano. You then strike a key on the first piano to hear the sound come forth, but then if you were to walk across the room to the second piano, and lift up the top, you would find that the same key that you struck on the first piano would be vibrating on the second piano that you never laid a finger on! In the same way dreams and visions attract like or similar dreams and visions.

There may be many elements involved within achieving a dream. You may have a spectacular dream, but don't know how to run a business, and you don't have the funding to pursue your dream, or know the people who can assist in making your dream come to fruition. BUT...

With passion you begin to share your dream with others and you inspire someone with your dream who knows a person who knows how to do exactly what you are dreaming of and want to accomplish, and that person magically knows someone who can procure the funding that you need to get started, and almost miraculously you are then introduced to someone who knows exactly how to market your dream, and voila your end result is that you have a plethora of resources to accomplish your dream.

Magnificently it all flowed together so quickly (kind of like a snowball effect) that you almost forgot why. Because you passionately believed in your dream and shared it with another person, you began the process of attracting all of the people and abilities necessary to bring your vision and dream come to pass!

If you have a dream that is big enough for you to accomplish on your own then I say your dream isn't big enough yet! You have to dream bigger than yourself and that takes amazing faith! Faith won't let you give up or let you let go of your dream. Even when things look on the outside as if they are always going to be the same and that there isn't an end in sight, your faith will hold you and guide you into the endless possibilities that are only available to those who aren't willing to let go of their dreams.

I can tell you that I have dreams that I see so clearly in my mind, and they are so vivid to me as if they already are! My faith allows me to see a parallel universe. One I can touch with my hands and see with my eyes, and the other I see with my hearts eyes as if I already have it. No matter how much time goes by I don't give up or become discouraged simply because I can't deny what my heart already sees. My dreams exist and they are much more than just dreams, they are my hearts deepest desires only made possible by continued faith and the pursuance of my belief in them.

My vision is clear and my purpose is great. I will live with absolute passion and yield my heart to faith while patiently and expectantly awaiting my dreams to come true. Along the way I know that my dreams will give way to igniting the passion in others that I hold dear to my life and heart, and together we will ignite the burning desires within our intricate dreams which ultimately hold the key to our destinies.

I live a passionate and determined life! I live my life on purpose! I take things as they come and rise to a greater level of ability to overcome and achieve more than my wildest dreams, and if you don't do that on purpose I have found that most of the time you won't do it at all.

I dream bigger than myself. I've realized the desires within our hearts are most often abilities that we possess and don't even know it. Our desire to do something gives way to pursuing that dream, and our dreams create the level of our abilities!

I live a life led by faith and am not moved by what I see in circumstances that present themselves in my life. I live fearlessly and my mission in life is to touch the lives of everyone that I come into contact with by demonstrating the true power of love in everything I do and say.

GOALS - Seeking Excitement And Adventure

Our world offers a nearly endless variety of experiences. In addition, each person born is a unique individual, with his or her own likes and dislikes, preference and priorities. Putting together these two facts gives us a virtually infinite range of combinations (which the science guys call permutations).

What represents exciting adventure to one person can seem like mind-numbing boredom to the neighbor on her right, and terrifying recklessness to the person on her left. Fortunately, everybody gets to choose their own experience most of the time, so we can each custom-make our own life to suit our personal tastes.

There's nothing wrong with enjoying adventure and excitement. It's a great way to keep zest in your life. But there are two reservations.

First, when you're engaged in exciting pastimes, do you insist on dragging others along who don't enjoy the same things you do? Drag-alongs are cruel. Ask anybody who's ever been a "drag-ee."

I once dated a girl who loved opera. At that time I was not capable of hearing the beauty and majesty of a great performance. So sitting through a Verdi with her was sheer torture for me. Years later, as my tastes widened and deepened, I was finally able to appreciate the beauty of such things.

Mike, a friend of mine back in high school days, loved to drive fast and get the police to chase him. That's the way he got his kicks. One day (not knowing his taste for thrills) I got in the car with him, and he decided to give me a fun ride.

I was uneasy when the reckless driving started, but when the cops got behind us, I was screaming for him to stop and let me out. Fortunately, he really was an excellent driver. I survived, but I never got back in the car with Mike again.

If you have friends who'll never come back after one "fun experience" with you, that might be a sign that you're dragging along people who are not suited to your kind of fun.

Another problem comes when you're not as skillful as you think you are. Being careless can endanger other people's lives. Drinking, for example, may be fun for you. Okay. But do you drive while drunk? No matter how good a drunk driver you think you are, you're still a drunk driver, and that IS a no-no.

Adventure and excitement are wonderful. They're great. But be sure you don't drag anybody along who doesn't want to be there, and make sure also that you're not putting anybody else in danger.

Otherwise, go have a ball. Life is to be enjoyed.

For more information on how to shape your future, download the free PDF report "It's All Good Luck - Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at

Suits Me - Following Your Dream

When I was 10, my great dream was to land a job where I could carry a briefcase and wear a power-suit. I was a good girl and worked hard to make it happen. At 23, I thought that all my dreams had come true when I landed a position as Marketing Manager in a multinational company with silver cufflinks and a briefcase full of decisions to make. It was great for a while, the job certainly had its benefits. But I felt unsettled and my moods directly mirrored what was going on at work. A naturally happy person, I couldn't work out why I was so miserable.

I wish I could remember the name of the book that spelled it out for me in simple print. It had something to do with being aware of every decision you make and the reasons for making it. I took action and it occurred to me that I never chose my profession based on a conscious decision. My career did not align with my wants, needs or passions, rather I was simply good at it. After great soul searching I realised that I was becoming increasingly dependent on material things and other people for my happiness. The answer was inside me, not in my wallet or quarterly performance review. I wrote my lists and realised that what is most important for me is to have control over my time and to have the ability to help others. So I quit the corporate rat race and started my own health website. I don't make the money I used to, but I have complete control over my time and I help a lot of people learn about how to stay healthy and treat their health conditions naturally.

Thanks to some soul-searching, I can say with pride that I'm entirely accountable for my own happiness and I no longer rely on a good day at work or a pay rise to feel content. Ironically, my childhood dreams have taken a 180 degree turn. At 24, my great dream is to work in my pajamas and never carry a briefcase again.

Kristy Lee is webmaster of Australia's independent vitamin information website

Monday, April 14, 2008

To the Next Level of Success

You have declared that you are ready to be in business on your own. No more bosses. No more relying on other people to do it their way. You have known how to do it for a long time and are finally ready to commit yourself to just that. Financially you have designed a situation that will enable you to begin and through lengthy planning, you have created a situation that seems like it works, at least on paper. But what will it take to get to the next level? To create a business that will be as successful on paper, as it is in reality.

Create a system that is realistic and allows some time for you.

Write down exactly what you want each day to look like. Be specific. How many hours do you want to work? How many hours are you willing to work? How long can you work on certain tasks for a sustained period of time?

In other words, if on paper, you are planning to make 100 cold calls a day, but know that after an hour in one place, you get stir-crazy, then you will not be effective with this design.

In order to be truly successful, you need to work within your own boundaries. Create a system that works with your strengths, not against it.

As a business owner, there will be jobs you have to do that do not fall into your comfort zone. It helps to create a list of tasks that are challenging and ones that are easy. Then create a balance of the two so that you can be effective on any particular day. For instance, if you know you can only sit for an hour, write that in your schedule and reward yourself with the task that comes more naturally to you, right after that. It will not only keep you in motion, but you will be less inclined to procrastinate on the jobs that are more challenging.

Creating a way to hold yourself accountable.

The best part of being your own boss is that you are in charge and no one is checking up on you. The hardest part is that you are in charge and no one is checking up on you. Yes, it is bitter sweet. While it is nice to be able to design your day the way you want it, it is just as easy to let the day get away from you without doing what you needed to do. After all, who will know? To avoid hours or days going by without forward movement, you will need to hold yourself accountable. The best way to do that is to write the tasks that need to be done in your day timer as if they are scheduled appointments that can't be cancelled. Be specific about what needs to be done and how long it will take for it to be accomplished.

Taking it to the next level.

So now you have a routine that works, scheduled appointments and a path to follow. Now how do you get to that next level that actually will make the difference of just making it, to real success? Here is where you will have to challenge yourself a little by creating a game of it. Look carefully at the to-do list you have set for the day. Task by task, rate the level of difficulty, giving a 10 to tasks that are really challenging, and a 1 to the ones that are simple. Now circle all the ones that fall into 5 or below and ask yourself how you could make them higher on the scale. For instance: Let's say that the task today is to email 10 prospective clients. Since it is relatively a passive task, you may have rated it pretty low. What would it take to be more of a challenge? Could you also set the objective of all of them being followed up with a phone call? Perhaps an even bigger challenge would be to commit yourself to actually speaking with 5 prospective clients and then turning one of them into a new client. More challenging? Definitely, but that is what you will need to do to reach the next level of success.

If you want to make it even more successful, recruit someone to hold you accountable for the goals that you set. There is nothing like the action you will create when you know that someone will be checking in on you. Even if it just a friend doing you a favor.

If you truly want to become a risk-taker, though, hire a Business Coach. You will be amazed at how often you are in action and making things happen!

Lesley Geller is a Business Coach. She helps successful professionals exceed their expectations of growth. She works with small business owners, as well as individuals in large corporations looking to reach the next level. Lesley graduated from the University of Maryland is certified as a Coach through the Coach Training Alliance, which is recognized by the International Coach Federation. She is also a Freelance Writer and co-author of: 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. For more information about how to reach the potential you're capable of, visit her website at or e-mail her at

Obstacles or Opportunities?

I am going to tell you this now, "Your field of focus will establish what you stumble on in life." I hear you saying, "Well, what does that have to do with obstacles or opportunities?" I hate to tell you, but it is EVERYTHING! Simply, if you focus on all the obstacles that happen in your business life, what do you think you will find? More obstacles, and likewise, by focusing on opportunities, you will come across more opportunities.

The problem is that the majority of us focus on the obstacles. You come home from work and you wife, or husband, asks you, "How has your day been?" And you reply, "Well this, this and this happened and..." You know the drill. We generally focus on our obstacles, but why? Why don't we focus on the opportunities that happened throughout the day? Just imagine the growth that we could experience if we focused on all of our opportunities, and when things do go bad, see it as an opportunity to learn. So remember, if you focus on your failures you will more than likely come across more failure. Focus on your successes instead, and EXPECT to experience greater successes.

Another little secret that will work wonders in your life, it is a little word called 'intention'. What is your true intention in life? You might say, "Well, of course it is to live a comfortable and secure life and earn enough money to pay the bills and..." There you have it! If you want to be extremely successful, wealthy or whatever else you desire, but your intention is to live a 'comfortable and secure life', do you think you are going to achieve that? Don't underestimate the power of your intentions. If you want to be extremely successful, INTEND IT! It all starts with the mind. When you have that right, everything just falls into your 'lap'.

I will leave you with this little exercise. Sit down for a few minutes and write down what your dreams are in life. Then write down what your current intentions are. Do they harmonize with your dreams? If they don't, that is why you are not achieving you dreams. Change your field of focus and INTEND TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS. The results will astound you!

Want my help in becoming an extremely successful entrepreneur? Get the details now, I look forward to working with you. Your partner in success, Kaden Rohrlach,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Using Your Creativity To Find Satisfaction In Life

You make your life happen

So many people live their lives as though it is something that just "happens" to them. This is very sad because they are unaware that they are creating their own life and so they live their lives by default usually ending up with disappointment, depression and fear. Every single person on the earth has the power to create their own lives. Using that power brings us the greatest satisfaction and happiness that life has to offer. One of the ways we create our own lives is to use our creativity. Our creativity can be expressed in many different ways. Some people express their creativity by writing stories or poetry. Other people express their creativity with artistic expressions ranging from painting or drawing to sculpting to sewing or other types of crafts. Still for other people their creativity is expressed through interior design, make-up artistry or hairdressing. There are countless ways a person can express their creativity and each one of them brings intense satisfaction, happiness and fulfillment to the persons who allow themselves to fully use the capacity for creativity that exists within them.

Designing your own life

In some cases a person can use their creativity to literally design their life the way they want it to be. They use all the power of their imagination to see themselves being successful in their relationships, their careers and even in their spiritual lives. As they create these realistic impressions in their minds they begin to receive inspirational thoughts on how to manifest their desires into reality. As they take action on the inspiration they receive, their lives begin to take the shape they had imagined in their minds. According to Napoleon Hill, author of "Think and Grow Rich", this is exactly how all great successes have ever been created. Even a person who doesn't consider themselves the "creative type" can use their hidden creativity to design a successful life for themselves and their families.

Developing your talents

Most people have a variety of talents that they can express their creativity with and become successful at. It is important to explore all of your talents and take the time to develop and perfect them as much as possible. If Rembrandt had spent all of his time working in a factory and then sat in front of a television set for hours each day after work, you would never have heard of him and the world would have been cheated out of some amazing works of art. Don't cheat yourself or the world by wasting your life away on unimportant things, take the time to develop your creativity and see where it leads you.


Your life is whatever you decide to make of it. Each person has their own unique talents and creative abilities that they can use to shape the outcome of their lives. Talents are not developed in front of a television screen, so it is important to use your time wisely and discover or hone your special creative skills and abilities. As you use your creativity wisely you will discover greater satisfaction in life.

Andrea R. Lucas is the leading expert in the area of Life-Scripts, the blueprints by which we all live our lives. She is the founder of the DYSALA Method, which identifies the seven steps necessary to change a negative Life-Script to a positive one, and to live the life of happiness and abundance you have always wanted. Andrea is the author of "7 Steps To Personal Fulfillment" and numerous articles on this fascinating subject. and

IQ Test Or IA Test?

An IQ test is supposed to measure one's "intelligence quotient," to provide a basic rating of how smart a person is. When we try to measure people in this way, we hope it will predict how well they will perform in either their profession or academic work. Of course we know that this doesn't work very well. We can all think of examples of highly intelligent people who are less successful than those with "weaker" minds.

In the world of academics, studies have shown that a student's habits of self discipline are far more likely to predict high grades than the score on an IQ test. Obviously the usefulness of the latter kind of testing is limited, but what is the alternative? On possibility is the "intelligence application," or "IA test."

The IA Test

The idea here is not to measure how well you can use your brain on "paper problems." This measuring of "brain potential" is what the IQ test is about. An IA score would be a rating of how well you actually apply your intelligence in your life. As far as I know, nobody has yet developed a systematic test of this sort. What would it consist of, then?

Most likely it would start with a standard IQ test of some sort. That measure of "what you have" would then be used in conjunction with a measure of "what you do with it" to come up with an IA score. The first number (your IQ score) might be added to or subtracted from according to measures of "application." But what would we use for these? There are many possibilities.

If we used income as an "intelligence application measure," we might start with zero for an average income for that particular IQ level, and add or subtract points for being above or below that. This is based on the idea that being more intelligent should lead to a higher income if one is applying that intelligence well. We could divide IQ scores into ten levels, and for each, find the average income or create a scheme for what ones income "should be." Then we could add a point for each level a person is above their "presumed" income, or subtract one for each level below.

Of course, this measure assumes that higher income is either an objective value, or at least a goal of the person being tested. That brings up the first serious problem with this new kind of test. Do we want to use an objective set of values against which to measure how well people apply their intelligence, or should we measure according to the person's own stated goals? There are tough challenges with both approaches. The first requires some agreement on what is universally valuable. The second assumes that people really know what they value.

This is the problem with the all the possible measures. We can create measures of some sort to see how well a person does in relationships, health maintenance, creative output, and even happiness, but we cannot so easily say what the value of those things is, or how much the person being tested really desires those things. At first this problem of standards and measurements may make it seem that we cannot develop an intelligence application test. But we can choose a standard (or develop two tests). As for the measuring, we already do it.

If you've ever said about a person, "He doesn't use what he's got," or "She's so smart, but she doesn't do anything with it," you were measuring. You can't say such things without having some idea of what a person could be doing better. These kinds of comments are a measuring of performance against that idea or standard. Granted it isn't precise, but it acknowledges that such things are measured.

The IA test would simply make it more precise. A statistician will tell you that when things are difficult to measure, you don't give up: You just measure more. For example, if all you have is flawed rulers to measure a door with, you don't use one once. You can get closer to a true measurement by using them all several times and taking the average. If you are measuring the relative happiness of people in various groups, whether the groups are determined by country of residence or IQ level, you can to some extent overcome the flaws in measurement by making enough of them. When a group consistently scores higher after thousands are tested using many methods, the data becomes more accurate and useful.

At the level of the individual, then, we would also want to measure many things in many ways, because of the uncertainty of any one measurement. We might measure income, as noted, but then measure again according to what income the person thinks would be ideal. We could also adjust this for age. We might measure success in relationships in six different ways, and the application of intelligence to household chores in several ways. Using all of these various measures, we might arrive at a IA test which can assign a score that actually means something. Or maybe not.

Perhaps the idea of "intelligence application" is most useful not for developing a new test, but for pointing out how flawed some kinds of tests can be. I've seen the same man score 70 on one IQ test and 140 on another, and I know of a millionaire who can't read. If after generations of these tests being used they cannot be more accurate or predictive than that, there may not be too much hope for an IA test either. Life itself is the real "IA test," and perhaps for a long time to come the closest measurements we'll get will be the intuitive ones that lead to the comments, "He sure knows how to use what he's got," or "She just isn't living up to her potential."

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on IQ tests, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Health, Wealth, and Wisdom Tips

GOOD HEALTH TIPS. To live a long and healthy life the first step is to eat right. Here is what that means in 2 short sentences. First, eat all the fresh vegetables that you want, as often as you want each day. Second, eat all the fresh fruits that you want, as often as you want each day. That's it, period! Any deviation from this is heading you away from living a long and healthy life. Notice that cooking your fruits and vegetables was not mentioned because cooking kills most of the valuable nutrients that they contain. If you want more protein for your body, eat more Broccoli. Broccoli also has as much or more protein as steak. Three bananas, two apples, one orange, and several handfuls of red or grape colored grapes (not green) will easily get you through middle morning, lunch, and middle afternoon meals.

Here is a great healthy breakfast idea. Blend one cup of old fashioned rolled oats with one banana or one apple, or some grapes until totally smooth, then drink it all. Add more filtered water for thinner consistency. That's it.

Make your healthy lunch and take it to work. This way, you control what you eat, not a restaurant.

WISDOM TIPS. Choose your friends and associates wisely. You become like those you associate with. If they have good character traits, those will rub off on you. If they have bad character traits, those will also rub off on you. Studies show that our incomes tend to equal the average incomes of our five best friends or closest associates.

Refrain totally from discussing with others what you want to forget. Not doing so simply allows you to refresh those negative events in your mind making them just that much more difficult to forget. It is a form of complaining. Complaining is like rocking in a rocking chair. It give you something to do but it does not get you anywhere!

Make a list, one hour before you go to bed every night, of the top six things that you want to achieve tomorrow. Why? First of all, it will give you direction and purpose as you start each day instead of thinking of things that you should do. By making the list before you go to bed each night, your brain can work all night while you sleep to come up with great ideas as how you can best achieve those items. Once you start doing this (try it for 30 days) you will not believe the great results that you will get. It's a great step in working smarter rather than harder. Also, remember to check off each item on the list as you successfully complete it. These mini successes are huge self portrait and self confidence builders.

WEALTH TIPS. As soon as possible, like right now, start working each day on achieving your dreams instead of the dreams of your boss. How? Make a list of the top 3 things that you really want that affordability is keeping you from having. Next, start your own, fun to run, Online, home-based business. Part Time, Full Time.Not only will this be a fun lifetime experience but the icing on the cake will be the wonderful tax advantages you will qualify for.

Lastly, decide that you are going to take action right now to do what it takes to turn your dreams into realities starting right now and believe that it will happen. Put your pride on a shelf because you cannot do everything by yourself. Ask and you will receive the help that you need. Remember, beginning is half done. (See Author Bio)

God bless you with an overflowing abundance of good health, love, happiness, success, prosperity, and a bright new future and lifestyle that you will allow yourself to have.

I am helping people across the USA & Canada to activate their new lifestyle of Fun, Wealth, Travel, & Bright Future through having their own successful, fun to run, Online, home-based business. Tens of thousands of happy people are already enjoying these benefits; you can too. FREE details & help for the asking at the HOME PAGE button at: ; (Harry R. G. Becker, Founder. 817-491-9834;

The Power of a Name

It is given at birth and typically carried around like a proud personal banner throughout our lives. Men and women pay millions of dollars to see it lavishly displayed on hospital walls or the doorways and park benches of cities. Speak it and you will create the sweetest musical note to the recipient. I speak of the extraordinary power of a person's NAME.

Part of maximizing YOUR life will inevitably be about enriching the lives of others. When you enrich the lives of others with love and care, you begin to build a network of individuals who will befriend you, love you, and can even bring you an abundance of wealth. I have been the type of person that is "bad with names." I would meet someone and instantly forget his or her name. At times this habit could be down right embarrassing. I recall being in a situation in which I had to repeatedly call on a customer I was doing a large amount of business with and not being able to remember her name. Each time I would call her on the phone I would once again introduce myself instead of being able to reach out to her and make that vital personal connection. The sale was nearly lost, when the customer eventually said those terrible words we have all heard before, "do you even remember my name?"

Classical theories on motivation have shown that after basic survival needs have been met, one of the greatest human motivators is the need for recognition. People want to feel IMPORTANT! Imagine the network of people you could build if you were able to put your own ego on check and tap into this amazing principle of human behavior. Although not necessarily easy, one of the simplest ways of making people feel important is calling them by their name. To be a great leader, follow the example of great leaders before you like Theodore Roosevelt. His ability to remember names left a lasting impression on an entire nation.

The reason why many of us fail to capture another's name is that we are very caught up in our own self-consciousness. The ability to comprehend what another individual holds important is an asset of unspeakable value. Here are a few tips to help you recall another's name.

1. Associate the name with the face. Many of us are able to recall a face, but have trouble putting a name to it. Consciously associate a person's name to their face, the minute you are introduced.

2. Repeat the name in the conversation. Here is an example. "Great to meet you Bob, what is it that you do Bob?" That may be a little obvious, but people generally don't notice (they like hearing their name). Here is another example if that is too obvious, "Great to meet you Bob, what is it that you do?" Bob- "Oh, I am an arms dealer." You - "Oh that's great Bob, how did you get into that?"

3. Give your full attention to the person. Would you agree with me, that knowing a great amount of people would be a valuable asset? Imagine each person you meet as a possible asset for building wealth (monetary or otherwise) in your life. I realize this next technique may seem a little impersonal, but think of it as a game. If you could know x amount of people by first name, how much would that be worth to you? Imagine each person you meet and remember their name and face is worth five dollars to you. While this may seem ridiculous there is a monetary and social value to every person you meet.

Jesse Sherer is an entrepreneur and specializes in helping others achieve their goals and dreams. Read other articles about entrepreneurism, and self-improvement