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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Daily Affirmations - Improve Your Life

Daily affirmations help people to focus on the divine Presence in the universe that we are all tied into. By focusing our intention to these daily affirmations, we can begin to experience the kind of life we truly desire to be living.

Find a quiet place, preferably in the morning, to devote at least fifteen minutes of quiet time to read a daily affirmation statement, letting it envelope you. By keeping out the clutter of other thoughts and dwelling in the affirmation, you are letting your thoughts become lighter and engaging the higher presence to hear you clearer.

Positive affirmations can sound like a waste of time to some people, but the individuals that practice affirmations on a daily basis feel more uplifted and calmer with more purpose for their day.

The people that use daily affirmations in their lives do so because these affirmations make a difference in their outlook on life, their health and stress. When we affirm to our own well being, we are consciously engaging a very powerful force that is a part of us to help keep us well balanced.

It is no secret that many people fighting life threatening illnesses are encouraged by many in the medical profession to use daily affirmations to help our bodies get better. Many studies done throughout the years cannot deny that the use of positive affirmations will make significant changes in not just our health, but also our whole outlook on life.

There is a lot of stress in the world today. Stress not only puts us on edge, it leads to high blood pressure and other illness when stress begins attacking the body. Stress is one of the major factors that can lead to addiction and alcoholism. Positive daily affirmations play a large role in relieving the stress that can build up.

Within the area of quantum physics, many scientists have proven that the world we all live in is one of intent. We seem to create our own realities by what we think about. When we dwell on the negative things that happen in our lives, we seem to attracted more of the same. We begin to perceive our lives in negative ways because the Law of Attraction will support this view.

What breaks this negative, stress-filled cycle in our lives is to use the positive daily affirmations to engage the Law of Attraction so we can experience more abundance and happiness. Like attracts like, this is the way the world turns. When we begin using positive affirmations, then we begin manifesting more positive things in our lives.

In fact, you do not have to believe daily affirmations will work at all for you. You only need to have a willingness to try. If you were to begin using daily affirmations, within a couple of short weeks you would have to notice more positive changes in you and the life around you taking place.

Think of your daily affirmations as meditations. All you need to do is focus on your affirmation statement, letting it become you. Repeat the statement, focus with intent on it. Many people that use their affirmations in the morning almost plan their days by them.

About the Author: Kaylie L Holbrook has the secrets you need to change your life immediately with daily affirmations. Experience amazing changes in your life at my website:

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