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Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Positive and Negative Uses of Anger

Our emotions are like the weather. The weather changes constantly. A day can start out with the most beautiful sunrise, and by noon the skies can go from blue to gray and cloudy with thundering and lightning. We have emotions that are like the bright shiny days and we have some that are like dark clouds of thunder and lightning. We have seen weather forecasts that suggest weathers are triggered by warm temperatures or cold temperatures etc. The bottom-line is that weather is triggered by something. It does not just happen.

Thus there are obviously good and bad emotions, just like there is good and bad weather. Fortunately we can detect when bad weather is heading our way [most of the time]. Using this information we take certain precautionary measures to deal with bad weather, either through avoidance or should we need to remain out in the elements, use protective gear.


We should be able to forecast our emotions as well, based on the environment. Remember the weather triggers. We can usually tell when our emotions are changing, depending on what is going on around us. The emotion that most people try to avoid is that of anger. This is like the thundering and lightning weather. We can deal with anger by taking notice of the things that trigger this emotion in us. If we notice the triggers, then we can take steps to avoid it by removing ourselves from the situation or, if it is something we need to 'weather', e.g. a necessary confrontation, then we need to take measures to not let that emotion get out of control.

Anger is not necessarily a bad emotion, but it is often not channeled correctly. Anger can be used to move people into action. Most people who have heard of Jesus Christ may have heard of the time He angrily turned over tables in the temple. The reason? He saw the poor being taken advantage of by greedy businessmen in the house of God out all places! This behavior triggered the emotion of anger in Him and He moved to action.

In dealing with Anger, we must pay attention to the triggers to either avoid the emotion, or if we need to weather the storm of this emotion, develop ways to channel it correctly. Loosing control with anger as the stimulus never produces good results. Loosing control in anger can be likened to the dark clouds of thunder and lightning with tornadoes.

You can find many ways to handle anger correctly, taught by experts. However here are some methods that I have employed:

  • Not going over the confrontation or event before hand in your head in a negative light. So do not anticipate what others are going to say or do negatively and how you are going to react negatively. Think of this as not taking gasoline with you to deal with a fire.
  • If the event happens suddenly then obviously you do not have much time to prepare. However, remember the 'triggers' we discussed earlier. You should know when you are in an environment that is conducive to an anger outburst. So spend time thinking about how positively you can respond to a situation.

If you spend time imagining positive responses vs. negative reactions, you will soon begin to develop proper ways of handling anger. It requires programming your mind. So if you have an anger problem, spend some time each day imagining how positively you can respond to situations. It will manifest outwardly.

Copyright © 2008, Mark A. Singh. All rights reserved.

Mark A. Singh
For more Life changing Principles, please visit my site:
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